Beaver Scouts are our youngest members aged from 6 to 8 years. It's where we start the adventure and the emphasis is maximum fun. Don't be fooled though as Beavers can be as adventurous and daring as any other Scouts. We have two very active Beaver Colonys who meet on Monday's and Fridays.
Monday Beavers
Cub Scouts range from 9 to 11 years of age. The Cub Scout adventure is full of fun and exploration. We are all about finding out about new things and new ways of having fun. We learn to become more responsible because we want to do more things like go on longer camps and lead activities. In Porterstown we have two Cub Pack's who meet on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Tuesday Cubs
Wednesday Cubs
Scouts are 12 to 15 years of age. Scouts want to do more for themselves and are challenged to have more adventures which they get to choose and plan. The Spirit of Adventure is what drives the Scout Section to have some serious fun! Our Scout Troop meets on Thursday nights.
Venture Scouts are currently the oldest section we have in Porterstown ranging from 15 to 17 years. They get up to wide variety of exciting activities. Ventures work with a mentor and other Venture Groups in the area to decide what, when and how they will enjoy their adventures.